Core Course Instruction

Biomedical Systems Engineering (BE 406)

State University of New York at Buffalo Spring 2022–Present

Foundational course in quantitative modeling of cellular processes, emphasizing systems engineering approaches to molecular biology challenges.

Biomaterials and Immune Response (BE 500)

State University of New York at Buffalo Fall 2023–Present

Comprehensive study of biological and synthetic materials interfacing with immune systems, focusing on functional performance in physiological environments.

Biomaterial Science & Engineering (BME 661)

University of Kentucky 2019–2022

Advanced examination of functional biomaterials with design projects in tissue/organ fabrication. Featured case studies in translational medical applications.

Selected Previous Courses

Introduction to Biomaterials (BME 488)

University of Kentucky 2020–2022

Structural and functional analysis of materials for orthopedic, soft tissue, and cardiovascular applications.

Guest Lectures & Collaborative Teaching

Oral Biology (OBI 651)

University of Kentucky 2020–2023

Specialized modules on intraoral drug delivery systems and biomaterial-tissue interactions.

Tissue Engineering & Methods (BME 4803)

Lawrence Technological University 2013–2014

Technical instruction in 3D culture systems and perfusion bioreactor design for modular tissue engineering.

Historical Course Contributions

University of Michigan (2015–2019)

  • BME 474: Introduction to Tissue Engineering
    Vascularization strategies and mass transport phenomena
  • BIOMATLS 584: Advances in Tissue Engineering
    Microscale technologies for tissue vascularization
  • BME 321: Bioreaction Engineering
    Transport analysis in hepatic bioreactor systems